Hello friends of Peace,

First, happy Labor Day to you all. I hope you get a chance to reflect on your work and your rest. For help doing that, check out this sermon from Peace on our work. Get to Work — Peace (peaceotsego.org) Labor Day is one of those few non-religious holidays that helps us see the good God gives us in work and rest.

Second, Sunday service. CS Lewis wisely demonstrated that the challenge of spiritual battle for us is not so much demon possession, but materialism that covers over the spiritual warfare (see Screwtape Letters, Great Divorce). We’ve got to peel away all the stuff to see the real battle going on. Let’s do that Sunday. Service outline https://bit.ly/3AHT2qP

Third, service streaming starting September 11th will only be on our private platform. We’re going to test this for the month of September. Access it through https://peaceotsego.org/worship. As I wrote about a few other weeks, I want to encourage you to choose what is better. Choose what is physical Good news for Peace July 21 — Peace (peaceotsego.org) and more personal Good news for Peace July 28 — Peace (peaceotsego.org). I hope this goes well and I hope you’ll let us know how it goes!

Bold Builders

In the book of Haggai, God directed the people to build his house. Along the way, he dealt with the people and all the issues that kept them from becoming a group of people that honored him. Materialism, secularism, and environmental concerns held them back. God helped with them all.

Let’s get a renewed picture of what a great congregation is and why we should pursue one. We aren’t a social club, or just a group of friends. We’re part of something far greater. Eternal. And that requires “Bold Builders”.

Read the book of Haggai today and plan to join us starting September 11th. We’ll be on-site or online transitioning to our private stream (https://peaceotsego.org/worship)

God’s Church

Our studies will help us dig into the theological and practical issues dealing with being God’s Church. Love to see you. Check out our website for the latest on study opportunities this fall.

Christianity Explored

We want to listen to your questions and concerns about the gospel of Jesus. Christianity Explored is an opportunity to discuss those questions.

This class is primarily for those curious about the claims of Jesus and the gospel. Christians are encouraged to attend with friends and family.

Begin praying for and inviting your family and friends to attend.

The next session starts on September 22nd at 6:30 pm.

Team and Task Time

Team and Task Time brings together people from Peace to do work for our congregation and community.

Tuesday September 6th we’ll meet next.

  • Welcome Home


No prayers at time of publishing

Christian Neighbors items for September are mac and cheese, boxed potatoes

Ushers for September is Roger Commissaris

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • September 6th 10:00 am Craft time

  • September 6th 6:30 (6:00) pm Team and Task Time, dinner at 6, work at 6:30

  • September 9th 12:00 pm Senior luncheon

  • September 11th 9:30 am Fall kick off (groups and activities restart for fall)

  • September 16th 11:00 am Ladies Guild

  • September 21st 6:30 pm Night of Song

  • September 22nd 6:30 Christianity Explored

  • September 25th 10:45 Congregational Forum


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Unsubscribe? Email church@peaceotsego.org

Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078

