2025 Ministry
Dear friends of Jesus at Peace,
I want to inform you of the recent decisions at the voters’ meeting (business meeting). I also want to ask for your help as we go forward.
The voters of Peace decided to forward in 2025 with a significant deficit for 2025 ministry. We’re planning to spend approximately $166K and we pray, God willing, to receive about $145K of income. That leaves us with about a planned deficit of $21K for 2025.
As we previously shared, that will leave us with a small amount of unrestricted assets in 2025. For more information on this situation, please see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1En5Wlkw_IYkFK3Wr2jYpQiRfuhh_eAHjkM0LOKjSpMY/edit?usp=drive_web&ouid=114785614165381582809
If ministry proceeds like this in 2025, I think we would have some difficult decisions at the end of the year.
In order to address this situation, the voters decided to do three things:
1) develop Stewardship - the council is going to carefully steward our resources, and also help the congregation develop our funds and our time in carrying out gospel ministry
2) investigate a Merger - mergers have been brought up many times; a Merger Team is going to investigate if there is any possibility of a merger with local congregations
3) pursue Growth and Renewal - a team of people will pursue all kinds of options to Renew the congregation and our mission work
That’s what we want to do, with God’s blessing.
I’m looking for two things from you right now:
1) people to help with the Merger team. We’d like a team of 5 people at least to investigate a merger. This will include looking at research of what makes a good merger, talking to local congregation to see if there is interest, and assessing what Peace thinks. Much of this can be made easier by working with our denomination, which has tools to help this. Pastor will work with the team, but not do everything.
2) people to help with Growth and Renewal. We’d like to see God at work among us and through us. We’d like to see a team of 5-10 people take responsibility for Renewal of the congregation’s ministry. Pastor will help coordinate this team. We have an initial list of things we can try.
Please prayerfully consider if you are willing to help with either of these teams, or make a suggestion to pastor at 269-694-6104 or church@peaceotsego.org and he will contact the person.
The voters will meet on Sunday November 17th at 10:45 to ratify these teams!
Look forward to working with you in 2025. God will use us to bring people the gospel.
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Peace Lutheran Church 805 S Wilmott St Otsego, MI 49078
269-694-6104 https://peaceotsego.org