Hello friends of Jesus and Peace

I’m honored these days, because a young man asked to make a profession of faith. We’ve spent years together, reading, talking, studying the Bible, and discussing what it is to be a follower of Jesus these days. I’m happy to see his love for God grow as he sees his sin and sees his even greater sin.

He’s a good reminder for me. To be part of a church can be challenging. We get annoyed at others. We get bogged down by the failures we face. We get frustrated with pastor or with fellow members. We think we might disagree about Christian teaching. We don’t like the “style”.

None of that should stop us.

The apostle Paul writes, “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it” (1 Corinthians 12:27). He doesn’t write, we’re the members of the body of Christ when we behave like it. He doesn’t say we’re members of the body of Christ if we’re happy. He says we are a part of the body of Christ.

We get the privilege and responsibility to live that way.

Some of us feel like others don’t pray enough. Some think people are too political. Some think people aren’t political enough. Some think others don’t serve enough. Som are tired of serving.

We all fall short of each other’s hopes and expectations.

But we have a chance to stand up today and be a congregation. Won’t you do that with me?

Christianity Theology #2

5 men and women committed to studying who God is and what he does in our first Christian Theology session. It was great! We honored and loved him together.

Next: humans! “God became man so that man might become God”. That’s what Athanasius said. What an amazing thing! First, that God would fold himself into a human being. He could have become anything - a powerful gorilla, speedy cheetah, or the king of animals, the lion. But he became a man. He could have even become more than a man!

What must he think of you if he becomes your brother and sister?

See what he thinks on July 22nd at 9:30.


Team and Task Time

Team and Task Time is a chance for us together to do the ministry of God’s people. We’ve got all kinds of things to work on this time: some visits to make, BLESS, a website update, a movie?, some events, and work in a room.

I would be glad to have your help Tuesday July 2nd at 6:30!

Parsonage deck

Due to its age and deterioration, we’re looking into options to repair or replace the parsonage deck. One suggestion is to remove it and replace it with a concrete patio. Have some input? Reach out to pastor 269-694-6104

Speaking Up newsletter

Our affiliated pregnancy support organization, Pregnancy Care Center, has released its newsletter for your reading. Enjoy! Click here for newsletter

Modular removal https://peaceotsego.org/peacenews/modular


June 30th 1:00 pm Pastor Don Seelhoff retirement service and lunch (not 3:00 pm as previously mentioned)

July 2nd 6:30 pm Team and Task Time

July 20th 9:30 am Christian Theology class #2

July 27th 8:00 Otsego 5K practice

August 3rd Otsego Ready or Not 5K https://runsignup.com/Race/MI/Otsego/OtsegoReadyorNot5K

September 15th Fall kick off/Welcome Home

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Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church 805 S Wilmott St Otsego, MI 49078

269-694-6104 https://peaceotsego.org