Hello friends of Jesus and Peace

Fathers, we thank you for your work, love, and compassion. I look forward to praying for you Sunday.

Outdoor service at 9:30!

Convention recap

The Michigan District Convention of the WELS was held June 3-5th in Saginaw at Michigan Lutheran Seminary.  Pastor and I (Bill Harris) attended along with approximately two hundred other pastors, teachers and lay delegates.

The main task of the delegates was to respond to the work of the synod summarized in the Report to the Twelve Districts (RTTD), which is a document prepared for the district convention (and also to be used at the Synod wide convention next year). The RTTD details the current status and future plans of many different areas of work in the Synod.  If you’d like to read what our churches are up to, you can see the RTTD here https://welsconvention.net/rttd/.

Delegates were assigned to floor committees which looked at specific parts of the Report to the Twelve Districts and after meeting in committee, returned to the convention floor to make recommendations or take note of certain items.  I (Bill Harris) served on the floor committee which looked at the Board for Ministerial Education report regarding Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary and Martin Luther College. Pastor Timmermann was excused since he is the district treasurer.

The district president, second vice-president, third vice-president and secretary were also elected (or re-elected), along with circuit pastors and other officers.  

A main takeaway from the convention is the problem of the severe shortage of ministers and teachers in the WELS.  This year, after graduating teachers were assigned, there is still a shortage of 158 positions needing  to be filled.  The pastor shortage is currently 160 positions.  One out of ten churches have a pastoral vacancy.

Synod is working to study this problem and developing steps in an attempt to reduce the shortages. What can we do as members of the WELS?  

  1. First, we can pray regularly.  

  2. As members of our church, as parents,  as grandparents, or as teachers of our children we can identify who we think might have the potential to be a pastor or a teacher and encourage them to think about becoming one.  I'm sure that this type of encouragement can make a real difference.

This being my first convention, I came away impressed that the workings of the WELS are very well organized, and that our pastors, teachers and lay delegates are putting their hearts into what they do, through the Holy Spirit, to keep the gospel message going out far and wide to the best of their abilities.

Bill Harris (and Pastor Timmermann) 

Help Maxine Sandahl celebrate 95 years of grace

Family and friends please join Bill, Laura, John and Sharon Sakal and our families in celebration of mom's 95th birthday on June 26.

Please send a card to her at:

1390 N Drake Rd, Apt 2103

Kalamazoo, MI 49006

Please check the address carefully as her old address will no longer be forwarded.

Thanks for joining the celebration.

Modular removal

You may have heard or seen that we are looking to get rid of the modular. It is no longer being used for gospel ministry. It is falling into disrepair. We’d like others to have a chance to use it if they could.

If you or someone you know would like the modular, please reach out to the church office. 269-694-6104.


June 15th 9:30 am Christian Theology class #1 https://peaceotsego.org/peacenews/christiantheology

June 20th 6:30 pm Christianity Explored

June 30th 3:00 pm Pastor Seelhoff retirement service

July 2nd 6:30 pm Team and Task Time

July 20th 9:30 am Christian Theology class #2

July 30th WELS Worship Conference https://peaceotsego.org/peacenews/welsworshipconference

August 3rd Otsego Ready or Not 5K

September 15th Fall kick off/Welcome Home

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Peace Lutheran Church 805 S Wilmott St Otsego, MI 49078

269-694-6104 https://peaceotsego.org