Hello friends of Peace,

We honor and praise God as our true Father. We’re glad to pray for every father.

Send us a picture of your family this Father’s Day and we’ll pray for you.

“In this sense, good fathers are a reflection of God’s grace. And even though a good father’s goodness is not the same as God’s goodness, it is, in a way, like it. A father’s love is not the same as God’s love, but it does reflect the truth of God’s love. God shows us a glimpse of Himself when He grants use the gift of a good earthly father. We then point to something or someone here in our everyday life, our dad, and say, God is like that. …. God has also promised to meet us in His Word, in His sacraments, and in the communion and mutual consolation and conversion of His saints. … The picture of a good father is the picture of consolation that he provides in the home to point His children toward Christ.” (Scott Keith, Being Dad, pg 5-6)


Rummage Sale

A big thank you to Eda, Jeanne, and Carlene for selling so much this Friday. Great work!

Men’s BBQ

June 28th starting at 6:30 pm

Come on men and bring your friends!

We’ll have grills going. You can bring meat if you’d like, or just enjoy what we’ve got

Fix your finances this summer - fix them before the summer finishes!

Financial Peace helps us

  • defeat debt

  • overcome inflation

  • and forge a new future.

Join us for a high speed session of Financial Peace at Peace Lutheran Church.

  • Saturday August 5th 9:30 am - 4:00 pm (lunch provided)

  • Sunday August 6th 12:30 - 3:30 pm

Childcare, snacks, and lunch will be provided.

For more information and to sign up, please visit https://peaceotsego.org/peacenews/financialpeace. Space is limited!


Eda McNees

The Myers family


June ushers are Roger Commissaris and Tom Wright

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • June 28th 6:30 pm Men’s BBQ

  • August 5th and 6th Financial Peace

  • August 19th 9:30 am Evangelism workshop

  • September 17th 9:30 am Fall kick off/Welcome Home


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Unsubscribe? Email church@peaceotsego.org

Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078

