Hello friends of Peace,

Evangelism Workshop

The other day someone commented how much they liked our sermons. This person is not part of Peace or a professing Christian. But they appreciated that our messages included history and culture, were friendly, and spoke to us instead of at us.

This is the kind of difference the gospel makes us. Small differences that add up. A willingness to sacrifice and give day after day.

Join me Saturday morning May 20th 9:30 am to be filled with the gospel so you can pass it on.


Student recognition, end of year meal

We’ll end the school year with a recognition of our students (and teachers). After service, we’ll have a meal together.

For more info and to sign up to bring food to share, check out https://peaceotsego.org/peacenews/202305/studentrecognition


Clean Out

The Clean Out has gone well.

Again, we want to have a simple, effective, clean space to fill people with the gospel. Then they can take that gospel to others!

Starting May 21st, most items are available for taking. For details, please see:



Facility Use

Need space for your party this summer? Peace’s facility is available for graduations, baby showers, family reunions, and a host of other gatherings. Contact church@peaceotsego.org or 269-694-6104

Basic Faith for Middle School Students

Students going into middle school fall of 2023 (i.e. rising 6th graders) should check out our catechism class.



Lonnie and Linda Hart

Judy Bolenbaugh


May ushers are Eric Szczembara and Kart Wedge

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • May 19th 6:30 pm Bunco

  • May 20th 9:30 am Evangelism workshop

  • May 21st 9:30 am Student recognition

  • May 21st 11:00 am Congregational lunch

  • June 4th 10:45 am Catechism

  • June 6th 6:30 pm Team and Task Time

  • June 8th 12:00 pm Senior luncheon


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Unsubscribe? Email church@peaceotsego.org

Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078

