Hello friends of Peace,

Every hand, every home … a hymnal

Hymnals are here!

We've put them out in the pews. If you find your row needs another one, please graciously borrow one from another place.

If you bought a personal book and you have paid for it, they are on the counter in the entry area. Please pick up your book. If you haven’t paid, please put a marked check or cash in the plate or pay online.

This Sunday we’re going to walk through the book a little. Watch this little video to learn a little about it!


(PS for more about the hymnal, read https://peaceotsego.org/peacenews/hymnal2023

Lent 2023

Have you ever checked out the way of sorrows - the last steps of Jesus? The Via Dolorosa is the famous last steps of Jesus.

Check out this neat description and video of the steps. https://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/media/video/onsite-via-dolorosa/

We’re going to do the same this year. Be sure to join us for Lent this year https://peaceotsego.org/events/lent2023

  • February 22 John 11 “Final steps led to a tomb”

  • March 1 Matthew 21:12-17 “Final steps to his father’s house”

  • March 8 Luke 20:9-19 “Final steps led to his enemies”

  • March 15 John 12:1-11 “Final steps led to a dinner celebration”

  • March 22 John 12:20-33 “Final steps led to some Greeks”

  • March 29 Mark 11:12ff “Final steps led to a fig tree”

  • April 6 Mark 14:12-17 “Final steps led to the upper room”

  • April 7 Luke 23:26-33 “Final steps led to the place of the skull”


He lives! Easter 2023

Jesus asks for everything from us. He wants us to follow his steps each day. He wants us to sacrifice ourselves and all we have for him and his kingdom. He expects us to always forgive, always hope, and always give.

Those kinds of demands require remarkable proof.

As you make plans to celebrate Easter with us and invite others to be part of it, be sure to think about the evidence for Easter. Be ready to say, “he lives! And here is why….”

For more on Easter, visit https://peaceotsego.org/events/easter2023


Ushers for March are Josh Gower and Tom Wright

Monitor/small TV screen - We’re looking for a large monitor or a small TV screen for the slides. If you have one you aren’t using, please consider donating it. Contact pastor for more information. 269-6964-6104

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • March 7th 10:00 am Craft time

  • March 7th 6:30 pm Team and Task Time

  • March 10th 12:00 pm Senior luncheon

  • March 11 11:00 am 131 Youth Crew service project

  • April 9th Easter services 8:00 and 9:30 am


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Unsubscribe? Email church@peaceotsego.org

Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078

