Hello friends of Peace,

We Worship - Musicians

The names are coming in! 2 months ago we invited the whole congregation to collect names of people who could possibly, some day, help us glorify God with music. We’d like to collect those names now so we can all pray for these people, and begin to talk to them about joining us.

This is our first step in developing the future of worship and music at Peace. We’ve got a lot more to come and can’t wait to see what God does among us.

We Worship! Worship and music at Peace — Peace Lutheran Church (peaceotsego.org)

We’ve got a basket on the next steps table. Drop your cards filled with names there - or message church.

Kingdom Thanksgivings

We’ll give thanks to God together November 23rd 6:30 pm at our Thanksgiving Service.

As a group of believers, we are especially glad to give thanks for what we call “kingdom thanksgivings”. Kingdom thanksgivings are the gospel-related work God is up to among us. It’s what he does with his good news of forgiveness and life.

This year we invite all our friends and neighbors to share their thanksgivings

  • add a postcard at church to our “kingdom thanksgivings” wall

  • Email your kingdom thanksgiving to church@peaceotsego.org, text to 269-694-6104, or reach us on social media and we’ll add it to the wall

Come and Help! (Advent 2022)

Starting November 27th, Peace will spend time expecting Jesus’ coming. We call this time “Advent”.

Advent means “coming”; it also means "expectation".

This Advent as we meditate on God’s Word, we will learn to ask God to come and help, just as his people did long ago.

A traditional Advent decoration is an Advent wreath. If you don’t have an Advent wreath, get one this year. Church will be glad to help you get a beautiful, simple Advent wreath for only $15. Email church@peaceotsego.org or call 269-694-6104

Children’s Christmas service

Our kids are getting to work preparing for this year’s Christmas service. We’re so excited that they get to share the gospel with words and music.

The Children’s Christmas service will be on December 18th at 9:30 am.

If you’d like to have your kids participate in this year’s Christmas service for kids, please let pastor or our teachers know.

The kids will practice together weekly on Sundays until the service!

Can’t wait to hear them!

Love Came Down: Christmas 2022

We’ll celebrate the greatest gift of love December 24th at 4:30 or 6:30 pm, and December 25th at 9:30. Save the date and please join us for Christmas!


Don Hutchinson and family

Bill McNees and family

Daniel Bosch (Squeeks)

Helga Harris

I’d like to thank Pete and Donna Weyenberg. They have jumped into Peace’s work wholeheartedly. Pete comes to our site many weeks to work on our facility and keep it in good shape. Donna recently organized our Trunk or Treat and is a committed part of our Wednesday night study group. I’m so thankful for them and be sure to thank them yourself!

Christian Neighbors items for November are pancake mix and syrup.

Ushers for November are Kart Wedge and Jim Winkel

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • November 11th 12:00 pm Senior luncheon

  • November 11th 6:30 pm Bunco

  • November 11th 8:00 pm Youth Crew lock in (leave at 7:00 pm)

  • November 18th 11:00 pm Ladies Guild

  • November 23rd 6:30 pm Thanksgiving

  • December 3rd 4:00 pm Hometown Christmas

  • December 24th 4:30 pm and 6:30 pm Christmas Eve


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Unsubscribe? Email church@peaceotsego.org

Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078

