Hello friends of Peace,

Congregational Forum and Voters’ Meeting

Peace will have one of its two voters’ meetings soon.

We’ll have a Congregational Forum on September 25th, 10:45 (right after service).

  • Everyone is welcome to attend and discuss.

  • The purpose is to clarify and accept input on proposals.

  • We will not go through reports; please do so on your own in advance.

We’ll have a Voters’ Meeting on October 16th, 10:45 (right after service).

  • All may attend; voters will conduct business.

  • Voting members have signed the constitution.

  • Voting members have agreed to attend.

  • This is the setting to conduct congregational business.

At these meetings, we will:

Participate remotely

You can participate on the computer (with a microphone and speakers) by clicking on this link. https://v.ringcentral.com/join/273136645 You may need to install an application the first time, so try it before the meeting time. All laptops should have the necessary hardware.

You can also call in to connect by phone. Dial 1 (650)419-1505; when prompted enter the meeting ID of 273 136 645. There is no need to enter a name.


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Unsubscribe? Email church@peaceotsego.org

Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078

