Hello friends of Peace,

First, Sunday service. Friends, it is time to consider our ways. Let’s rebuild God’s house! We started last week with the message Be bold builders! — Peace (peaceotsego.org) Watch it at the link if you missed it. Last week we saw what we are supposed to do. This week, let’s see who we can be. Service outline 2022-09-18 service - Google Docs

If you didn’t get to add a Lego, be sure to do so this week.

Second, service streaming. Good job to those who joined on the private platform this last weekend. Thanks for joining us. Again, the easiest way to join is to get on our website…

  • https://peaceotsego.org

  • Click “Worship”

  • Then click “Worship with us Live”

Please let pastor know how the experience is and if you have any questions.

Movie night: CS Lewis, the Most Reluctant Convert

Wonder who this guy “CS Lewis” is that pastors quote all the time? Want to enjoy one of the greatest stories of conversion of all time?

Bring friends and join us for a great movie on September 25th at 5:00 pm. We’ll have snacks and some good conversation!

Let us know you’re coming at the Facebook event https://www.facebook.com/events/655339502431168

Trunk or Treat hosts

We'd love to have lots of kids and families enjoy a silly, not spooky Halloween. We’re looking for hosts for our Trunk or Treat. Any questions? Please contact Donna Weyenberg. Sign up here https://peace.breezechms.com/form/444c364383115 (if you’ve signed up with Donna already, no need to sign up again).

Name tags on mailboxes

We'll be adding name tags to the mailboxes in the coming month or so. We're hoping to make it easier for everyone to find their spot.

The names will be under your box.

Thank you!

Christianity Explored

Our next session of Christianity Explored begins this week! September 22nd at 6:30 pm

We want to listen to your questions and concerns about the gospel of Jesus. Christianity Explored is an opportunity to discuss those questions.

This class is primarily for those curious about the claims of Jesus and the gospel. Christians are encouraged to attend with friends and family.

Learn more and sign up here https://peaceotsego.org/events/christianityexplored2022fall

Congregational Forum and Voters’ Meeting

Peace will have one of its two voters’ meetings soon.

We’ll have a Congregational Forum on September 25th, 10:45 (right after service).

  • Everyone is welcome to attend and discuss.

  • The purpose is to clarify and accept input on proposals.

  • We will not go through reports; please do so on your own in advance.

We’ll have a Voters’ Meeting on October 9th, 10:45 (right after service).

  • All may attend; voters will conduct business.

  • Voting members have signed the constitution.

  • Voting members have agreed to attend.

  • This is the setting to conduct congregational business.

At these meetings, we will:

Participate remotely

You can participate on the computer (with a microphone and speakers) by clicking on this link. https://v.ringcentral.com/join/273136645 You may need to install an application the first time, so try it before the meeting time. All laptops should have the necessary hardware.

You can also call in to connect by phone. Dial 1 (650)419-1505; when prompted enter the meeting ID of 273 136 645. There is no need to enter a name.


Terry B - neck/back surgery

The Rice family - they moved this week since they are going through a bad time in life and could use prayers

Christian Neighbors items for September are mac and cheese, boxed potatoes

Usher for September is Roger Commissaris

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • September 18th 10:45 NO Bible study

  • September 21st 6:30 pm Night of Song

  • September 22nd 6:30 Christianity Explored

  • September 25th 10:45 Congregational Forum

  • September 25th 5:00 pm Movie Night “CS Lewis The Reluctant Convert”

  • October 9th 10:45 am Voters’ meeting


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Unsubscribe? Email church@peaceotsego.org

Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078

