Note: This is the last news that will come from Jessica at Next week news will come from

Hi people of Peace!

Many thanks to our hardworking assistant Jessica. She has spent the last couple of years keeping us organized and on the ball. We said goodbye to her on Sunday. We'll miss her.

She'll spend the next couple of weeks transitioning work to pastor. Please send your calendar requests, announcements, and other general questions to


We’ll celebrate the Lord’s Supper this week. Please prepare accordingly and consider letting pastor know in advance to encourage good preparation. What it means to be truly Lutheran: Lord’s Supper – FORWARD IN CHRIST

God's Word this week

Numbers 6:222-27

Romans 5:1-5

Matthew 28:18-20

Music this week

“Only a Holy God”

Psalm 150

“Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God Almighty”

“Glory Be To God the Father”

Kaitlyn Nelson Farewell

We’re thankful to Kaitlyn for all the ways she has served us in the last few years. Please join us on June 19th at both services to pray for her and say thank you.

Night of Prayer

As we work on our musicians and worship life, we’ll gather for a night of worship and prayer. I challenge us to place our trust in him on June 29th at 6:30 pm.


Father’s Day

Fathers, thank you for your service. We look forward to honoring you next week, Sunday, June 19th.

Space for Your Event

Do you have a special event or celebration coming up and need space? Any space on-site except for the sanctuary can be used for non-ministerial events like graduation parties, baby showers, anniversaries, birthday parties, group gatherings, etc. We’d be glad to host your event! Please bring any requests to pastor or council for review.

To review the current facility use policy and see if your event is eligible, please click below.

“Ridin’ The Way” - Bike outing

We’re kicking off summer with a bike outing. June 26th 3:00 pm - 5:30.

Everyone is welcome to attend.

Here is the schedule and plan for the day:

  • 3:00 at Peace - bicycle safety demo and training

  • 3:30 at Peace - bicycle maintenance demo and training with Ryan from Kalamazoo Swift Ryan will be here to show us the basics of bicycle maintenance and then help you diagnose/fix more specific problems.

  • 4:30 leave Peace on bike ride to North Side Park

  • 5:00 arrive at park, cookout dinner (provided), and play

We’ll be done at 5:30 pm. We’ll have a trailer and haul bikes back to Peace where you can get your ride to head home. If you want to bike back or get picked up at North Side Park, that is fine too.

There is no cost for the event, but we suggest a donation of $5 per person to cover food and supplies. Registration is limited; can’t wait to see you!


Ukraine Ukraine – WELS

Don K

Jerry K

Judi D

Lonnie H - step son died in an accident

Dave M - surgery

Maggie C - granddaughter of Phyllis C, has MS and family is struggling to care for her

June Ushers: Terry Brower & Andy Winter

Christian Neighbors: items for June are soup beans; kidney, navy, black

Team and Task Time: June Team and Task Time will wrap up the children’s ed work for the year, review the outreach and plan for next year, build some devotional kits for families, and all the things you want to do too. Join me on June 15th at 6:30 pm.

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • June 15th, 6:30 pm Team and Task Time

  • June 17th, 11:00 am Ladies Guild

  • June 18th Choir party

  • June 19th Kaitlyn N farewell, Father's Day (root beer floats)

  • June 22nd, 6:00 pm Ladies Night Out @ Main Street Pub on Gull Road

  • June 25th, 9:00 am Faith and Culture Workshop Part 2

  • June 26th, 3:00 pm “Ridin’ the Way” Bike Outing


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078
