Hi people of Peace!

I’m so sad for the losses our country, and especially students have faced lately. It’s true that for the history of the world and in many places around the world, kids are frequently in danger. That doesn’t change the bottom line: no one, especially our kids, should have to worry about their safety each day.

Students, we love you and care about you. We want you to be safe, content, and hopeful. We will walk with you and guide you to a rich life in Jesus, even as you experience all the changes of life.

You live in a real-world that has many challenges. People are corrupted and the world is decaying. There is so much goodness, truth, and beauty that is worth pursuing. Don’t let the challenges distract you from goodness and truth.

Parents, grandparents, and adults don’t get distracted by the politics. The debates matter, but not to your kids. They want to know who they are and who their friends are. Those are conversations worth having.

  • What are you afraid of?

  • Do you have hope? What is your hope?

  • I love you, we love you. You are loved. We don’t need to fix you. We care about you because God has cared for us.

Memorial Day

This week we honor those who gave their life to serve us. We would also like to thank our service members listed below for the sacrifices they made for us.

Irwin Bolenbaugh Ralph Holewa Paul Myers

Gary Coombs Larry Hutchinson Christian Stinson

Shawn Gavan Don Hutchinson Richard Ueck

John Gazley James Keith Jim Walkley

David Grimm Jim Keith Ray Winkel

Gretchen Handley Allen Keller Daton Wright

Charles Handley Thomas Klein

Tom Handley Ron Miller

Thomas Handley Sr. David Myers


One special note this week. Colleges affiliated with our church (and the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod) invite our high school students to get connected with the schools. I’m going to pass on the links and parents or students can sign up for information if they’d like.

Wisconsin Lutheran College (liberal arts college in Milwaukee, WI) https://admissions.wlc.edu/register/confirmands

Martin Luther College (WELS College of Ministry) email church@peacetosego.org and give permission


Our synod provides one of the most thorough, ministry-focused education systems in the country. Each May, we assign a new batch of pastors to congregations. You can check out the recent assignment service here https://livestream.com/wlslive/2022-assignment-service and the places where they were assigned here https://www.wisluthsem.org/rmdevser_wls/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/2022-Graduate-and-Vicar-Assignments.pdf.

The current assignments remind us just how incredible the need is for gospel bringers. Even after call day, we’re short 140-something pastors. Consider joining the public ministry in some way!

See you Sunday at 9 or 10:30 as God opens our hearts to respond!

Pastor T

Scripture this Week

Acts 16:6-16

Psalm 14

John 17:20-26

Music this Week

“Baptismal Waters Cover Me”

“Jesus My Great High Priest”

“We Give Thee But Thine Own”

“O Church Arise”


Jessica V Farewell

We’ll send off our administrative assistant, Jessica VanDenBerg, on June 5th. Please take a moment this weekend to sign a card for her and plan to join us next weekend.

Outdoor service

Outdoor services start this week! If the weather cooperates, we intend to move the 10:30 service outdoors on May 29. Start bringing your friends to enjoy the beauty and God’s wonderful Word!

We Worship!! - Music planning

As we mentioned this last week at church, the council, pastor, and musicians have been working hard to see how God might be directing us through our musical challenges.

Last Sunday, we released a proposal for your review and feedback. We don’t feel like it is a major change from our previous direction. It will take your involvement through prayer, encouragement, and so much more.

I encourage you to read it over. Please share any feedback and let’s keep doing God’s work together!

2022-2023 musician plan


Ukraine Ukraine – WELS

Families affected by the recent shooting

the Jim Keith family


Don K

Jerry K

Thompson family - loss of brother, brother in law

Maxine S - recovery after a fall

Judi D

Lonnie H - step son died in an accident

May Ushers: Tom Wright and Eric Sczcembara

Christian Neighbors: items for May are peanut butter and jelly.

Lay delegate: We’re looking for a voter of the congregation to represent the congregation to the district this summer. The convention will take place June 6-8 (leave 6th, return 8th). You’ll attend with pastor; expenses paid.

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • May 29th, 10:30 am First outdoor service, weather permitting

  • June 3rd, 6:30 pm Bunco

  • June 6th - 8th District convention

  • June 15th, 6:30 pm Team and Task Time


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Want to visit with pastor? Schedule a visit/meeting.

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078

