Dear friends,

What’s a church? I think we all know it is more than people coming together to hear a good talk or sing some fun songs. I think one of every pastor’s favorite quotes is this short one from Martin Luther, “For, thank God, a child seven years old knows what the Church is, namely, the holy believers and lambs who hear the voice of their Shepherd.” (Martin Luther, The Smalcald Articles, III.12)”

The church is God’s people, gathered to hear God’s Word. Yes, we can all read that Word at home or in the park or on the bus or in the car or wherever, or even hear that Word, but God is special with his people in a unique way when we gather around that Word.

I hope you gather with me and all the rest of this Sunday. I miss you. We miss you. For more on the church, check this out. Church and Ministry – WELS

See you Sunday.

Pastor T

Scripture this Week

Acts 13:15-52, Psalm 145, John 13:31-35

Music this Week

“By Faith”, “Though I May Speak With Bravest Fire”, “This I Believe”, “How Shall They Hear”

Fallen Hero’s

This Memorial Day we would like to share life stories of our soldiers gone but not forgotten. We would be honored to hear about your soldier’s story and pay tribute to those that have fallen. Please send your loved one’s story to Pastor or Jessica.


Our “Faith and & Culture” workshop part 1 will take place on Saturday May 21st at 9:00. If you’re already attending one of the other sessions during the week, don’t come. It’s the same. But if you aren’t in the Word with other people at another time, come on out!

Saturday May 21st at 9:00 am!

Outdoor service

Outdoor services coming soon! If the weather cooperates, we intend to move the 10:30 service outdoors on May 29. Start bringing your friends to enjoy the beauty and God’s wonderful Word!

We Worship!! - Music planning

As we mentioned this last week at church, the council, pastor, and the musicians have been working hard to see how God might be directing us through our musical challenges.

This last Sunday, we released a proposal for your review and feedback. We don’t feel like it is a major change from our previous direction. It will take your involvement through prayer, encouragement, and so much more.

I encourage you to read it over. Please share any feedback and let’s keep doing God’s work together!

2022-2023 musician plan

“Crew Serves” Outreach Event

The Youth Crew is running a community outreach event to distribute food to specific individuals who need help. Middle school and high school students are welcome to attend!

On Sunday May 15th, we’re collecting:

  • Ready to eat soups (like chunky soups)

  • Boxed potatoes

  • Hamburger helper

  • Pancake Mix/Syrup

  • Ramen noodles

  • Egg noodles & boxed pasta

At 2:30 on May 15th, students are meeting at Christian Neighbors in Plainwell to distribute.

Done by 5:30 back at Peace! Thanks!

Training Children in the Way of Jesus: Recognition and Celebration for Children

We’ll have a recognition and celebration for our children’s growth in God’s Word on May 22nd. We’ll begin during the 9:00 service with prayer for them and a public encouragement.

After service will have some games and lights snacks so that we can all encourage them.

Look forward to being with you! Bring a card to give to the students!


Ukraine Ukraine – WELS

the Jim Keith family

the Timmermann family


Don K

Jerry K


Middle school - high school students

May Ushers: Tom Wright and Eric Sczcembara

Christian Neighbors: items for May are peanut butter and jelly.

Lawn mower Coordinator: We’re looking for someone to help coordinate the lawn mowing around the church this summer. Click here for more info!

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • May 13th, 12 pm Senior Luncheon

  • May 15th, 2:30 pm Youth Crew 131

  • May 29th, 11 am Ladies Guild

  • May 21st, 9 am Faith and Culture Workshop


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078
