This week’s lessons: Acts 9:1-22, John 21:1-14


Dear friends,

Thank you for all the prayers and encouragements as we’ve considered and deliberated calls. We don’t have a decision, but I just want to thank you for being part of God’s body and kingdom with me. I can only pray that we live as the body of Christ, in the same way, all the time.

This is just one way we express our faith. We believe that God is at work in the world through his Word, ruling and reigning over our lives. You speak God’s Word to me, I listen. I speak it to you, you listen. And Jesus reigns! May his kingdom come among us.

I want to get more of that faith with you this weekend. We’ll walk with Paul, leave any self-righteous trappings behind, and walk-in grace. That’s faith!

See you Sunday, 9:00 or 10:30. Let me know how we can pray for you. We’re with you!

Pastor T


Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a day we set aside to remember with gratitude and pride all those who served and died for our country and our freedom. We would like to honor and show our gratitude for the sacrifices our loved ones made this Memorial Day. If you would like to help us plan a special Memorial Day tribute, please reach out to the pastor or Jessica.

Christianity Explored is a seven-session course that gives people the time and space to think about the big questions of life and to explore the life of the man at the heart of the Christian faith.

As they explore Mark's Gospel, people find out who Jesus is, why he came and what it means to follow him.

Please begin praying about who you can invite. Our next session will start this summer.

Join me!

Mother’s Day

Mother's Day is around the corner, and we would like to honor our mothers by creating a montage of these blessed women. If you would like to participate, please send a picture that you would like included. Jessica will collect all of the images and we will create a masterpiece to be presented on Mother's Day. Please email the images to

Only the Christian faith offers a faith that is filled with truths that seem to compete, but when we believe both, everything becomes clear.

  • God judges sin harshly and forgives sin

  • God includes everyone through Jesus but excludes everyone who is not connected to Jesus

  • God is spiritual and works in our physical world

  • God gives us eternal life and life already now in Jesus

All these ideas and so many more are true.

Our next study will take a look at “Faith and Culture” as we seek a faith that sees through culture.

Join us Sunday at 7:50 am, Wednesday at 6:30 pm, or Thursday online at 8:00 pm. Starting May 30th! This will be our summer session.

I’ll have a special joint workshop on Saturday, May 21st at 9:00 am. I’ll roll a number of the sessions all into one!

Want one of the books that will guide us? Grab it here. Faith That Sees Through the Culture (

“Crew Serves” Outreach Event

The Youth Crew is beginning a community outreach event to distribute food to specific individuals who need help. We’ll collect by May 15th and distribute on that day. Please start saving…

Ready to eat soups (like chunky soups)

Boxed potatoes

Hamburger helper

Pancake Mix/Syrup

Ramen noodles

Egg noodles & boxed Pasta

Thank you!


Don K

May Ushers: Tom Wright and Eric Sczcembara

Christian Neighbors: items for May are peanut butter and jelly.

Lawn Coordinator: We’re looking for someone to help coordinate the lawn mowing around the church this summer. Click here for more info!

Spring Work Day: Join us on May 7th @ 9 am to clean the building and grounds for spring. Click link for list

Administration Team

Our administrative position will be finished as of June 30th, 2022. At that time, Jessica Vandenberg will be done with her time at Peace and moving on to new adventures.

As our administrative assistant transitions, we would like to remake our administrative team. I’d like to have a team that contributes an average of 5-10 hours per week over the course of the year. So we could have ten people that work two hours each once per month or four people who work five hours each. It’s flexible!

Much of the work can also be done from home.

You can find out more about the duties of the administration team below.

Please consider if this might be a good way to serve. Please contact pastor for more info.

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • April 29th, 6:30 pm Bunco

  • May 3rd, 6:30 pm Team and Task Time

  • May 7th, 9 am Work day


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Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078
