This week’s lessons: Exodus 34:29-35, Luke 9:28-36


Dear friends,

I feel like we hop from one crisis to the next. As a country and world, we hop from Ukraine to Omicron to Supreme Court rulings on mandates. As a church and a business, we hop from a musician shortage to an underfunded budget to a volunteer shortage. Personally, we hop from colds to an overspent budget to overwhelmed kids. One crisis after another.

These are crucial moments, crucial hours - ones you and I need to handle with wisdom.

Lent is 40 days before the death and resurrection of Jesus. We take 40 days to particularly consider the hours leading up to his death and resurrection - those crucial hours. By considering his choices and actions in these crucial hours, we are prepared for our own.

Lent begins on March 2nd this year at 6:30 pm. The service will last about an hour. We’ll end with the imposition of ashes. During the imposition of ashes, the pastor places ashes on the forehead or the hand of everyone who would like to receive them. They are a reminder that we come from dust and we’ll go back to dust someday.

We’ll meet each Wednesday after March 2nd at 6:30. I hope you’ll join us.

  • March 2nd “I’m Going to Celebrate the Passover” Matthew 26:18

  • March 9th The Semblance of Legality Luke 22:66

  • March 16th “Satan Has Asked to Sift All of You” Luke 22:31, 32

  • March 23rd What to Remember When You are Seized with Remorse Matthew 27:3-4

  • March 30th A Part for the Whole? Luke 23:13-16

  • April 6th “They Bound Him” John 18:12

I hope you’ll set time aside for these beautiful prayers and meditations. They are a great way to end your day and shape your soul.

Since pastor won’t be here, we’ll need help with sound, slides, and streaming. Please speak with pastor to help.

Whether you join us or not, please consider how you respond in the crucial moments of life. Enhance your development with this great resource. The Crucial Hours (

Much love in Jesus,



131 Youth Crew: You and Your Mental Health

February 27th, 4:00 pm

Middle school and high school students are welcome. Love to have you!


(full prayer list)

  • Aleksei M - healing

  • Carolyn M - thanksgiving

Video camera - do you have a handheld digital camera you no longer use? We might be able to improve our video system if you’d like to donate it. Please speak with pastor.

Paint - We’d like to paint around the facility. If you are interested in painting (we have the supplies), please let pastor know.

Easter - we’re looking for a great team to help make Easter wonderful. I’m looking for people to help with outreach, decorating, music, kids’ activities, prayer team, and food. Let me know if you want to be part of the team!

Snacks for Lent - serving snacks before Lenten services. Check the list at the Next Steps table for each week’s emphasis.

Before and after school care - Peace is looking into offering before and after school care. If you could help explore this option, please speak with pastor. He is looking to build a team of 3 or 4.

Christian Neighbors - items for February are pasta and pasta sauce

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • February 18th, 11:00 am Ladies Guild

  • March 2nd, 6:30 pm Ash Wednesday service (Midweek Lent begins)

  • March 9th, 6:30 pm Lent Service

  • March 11th, 12:00 pm Senior Luncheon


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Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078
