1 Timothy 4:1-10, Luke 8:9-11


Dear friends and family of Jesus,

I don’t know you, but I’m really glad for our time lately enjoying Jesus. Yes, he causes many problems for our usual way of looking at things, but he is also so much better than we expect. Check out each week below if you’ve missed the message.

Jesus exists and matters

Who is Jesus

Love God first


I also want to give you a little heads up on some of the dreams God has put before us for 2022.

Keep doing

Most of what we’ve done, we’ll keep doing. That includes….

  1. Wonderful Sunday worship at 9:00 and 10:30. We’ll tell people of the good and just God, and all he did for us in Jesus to change our lives for now and eternity. 

  2. Class, worship, and prayer for children during the 9:00 am service. 

  3. At least three Study and Life Groups each week, one online 

  4. 131 Youth Crew and instruction for middle school students

  5. Personal pastoral care

As we go through the year, we’ll also adapt and work on some new initiatives. The following are just a few of them.


  • Our main musician Cindy Commissaris has retired and we’ll redouble our efforts for our next musician

  • We’ll phase out the administrative assistant up to July this year. 

Ministry and programs

  • We really want to increase the number and quality of personal pastoral interactions 

  • Help our seniors find another good step to take in life and mission

Facility, administration, and ministry support

  • Complete hail damage repair 

  • Finish bylaws revision and get them approved by the district 

By God’s grace, I know that we will partner for a lot more in 2022, but if we are blessed to even work on these few things, that will be good. Please join me in praying for and seeking good gospel among us.

Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. God bless!

Pastor T


We've got about 30 FREE 25W CFL light bulbs to give away. If you want them, call the office or stop by.

Someone is giving away a round/oval dining room table. Formica top. Seven seats. Two leafs. Please contact the office if you are interested.

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • January 30th, 11:45 am Voters’ Meeting

  • February 1st, 6:00 pm Team and Task Time

  • February 3rd, 6:30 pm Choir

  • February 4th, 11:00 am Andy Keller funeral

  • February 7th, 6:30 pm Christianity Explored

  • February 11th, 12:00 am Senior luncheon


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Peace Lutheran Church

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078

