This week’s lessons: 1 Samuel 16:1-13, Luke 3:15-22


Happy New Year!

I pray the Lord has brought you and your families, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and acquaintances safely into the new year.

I’m really enjoying the word from the Lord that is bringing us into the new year. Whatever problems we might face in our lives, in some ways Jesus is the biggest problem. He is the problem that reveals all the lies, false truths, broken promises, and failed dreams we live by. He is the problem that will not let us settle for anything less than the best.

This week we’ll take a look at the idea of what Jesus was all about. You might find it surprising and wonderful!

Since everyone else is sharing their top 2021 content, I thought I’d share ours:

Top 2021 stuff

Hope you have some fun with all that! Can’t wait to see you this weekend and let’s chat before then.

Services at 9 and 10:30 on Sunday

God bless


Thank You for your Donations

Dear friend,

“I don’t know why people put him to death”. That’s what someone said about Jesus. He really does mess up people’s lives if your idea of life is that things should always work out for good people. That’s not the gospel. The gospel is good for sinners.

Thank you for partnering with us to bring the gospel of Jesus to Otsego-Plainwell in 2021. Your gracious gifts and generous time made a real impact.

Together we brought more than 500lbs of supplies to others. We gave over $150 in emergency assistance – mostly food – to individuals. We welcomed 4 people into God’s family. We educated ten children each week this year. Almost 300 different individuals gathered throughout the year to hear the good news of Jesus and ascribe worth to God at our regular services. And we shared the good news of the life, the death, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ with 400 people at all of our annual events.

And you were with us. Thank you.

We’ve got a great chance to bring people the gospel of Jesus and see real community development in 2022. Whether children are receiving more personal and quality age-appropriate Christian education, young adults gathering fun and meaningful service and worship each month, or adults are meeting to pray and support each other with God’s Word, 2022 is a year for people to come alive with God’s life. I look forward to doing this together.

Thank you for your time, effort, and donations to support gospel ministry through Peace in 2021! We are so fortunate to have your continued support and look forward to 2022.

With heartfelt thanks,

Pastor T and staff

Congregational Forum and Voters' Meeting

All are welcome to provide feedback and make inquiries/suggestions during our congregational forum.

Congregational forum will take place on January 23rd @ 11:45 am

Voters' meeting will take place on January 30th @ 11:45 am

Christianity Explored

The gospel, Jesus, and faith that brings life!

This is the class for people who aren’t sure if they believe in Jesus, would like to know more about Christianity, or would like a more formal introduction to the Christian church.

The next session will start February 7th!


Youth Crew 131 skating event January 23rd @ 3:00 pm.


(full prayer list)

Jerry Koenig

Allan White, Ann Kling’s brother

Christian Neighbors

Items for January are ramen noodles and canned soup.

Offering Envelopes

2022 offering envelopes are available in your box. Please pick them up and save us the postage! If you won’t use it, please turn it into the office with a note. Thank you!


We’ll take down the Christmas decorations around 11:45 on Sunday, January 9th. Please join us.

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • January 12th Study groups restart

  • January 14th 12:00 pm Senior luncheon

  • January 14th, 6:30 pm Bunco

  • January 23rd, 11:45 am Congregational Forum

  • January 30th, 11:45 am Voters’ Meeting


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving

Peace Lutheran Church

805 S Wilmott St

Otsego, MI 49078
