This week’s lessons: 2 Samuel 7:5-7, 11-16, 1 Corinthians 3:16-17, John 2:13-22


Hello friends and acquaintances of Peace,

A lot of us dream of cultivating a piece of land. We’ll buy 5 or 10 or more acres outside of town and turn it into our own little piece of heaven. Sounds good to me.

Last week God told us we can make a piece of land that shows us his eternal land; we can taste a little bit of that eternal land. We can make a place of rest. We can make a place that is a light to the nations. We can make a place filled with life. Let’s make that symbol of God’s presence and God’s people. You and I can do it. Check out Sunday’s sermon for more What People is This: Land — Peace (

This Sunday we’ll take a look at the place where God is present. Ancient people built temples for God. We build churches. We need to really become aware of his presence in his Word and sacrament so that the whole world knows God is here.

Can’t wait to see you Sunday at 9:00 or 10:30!

Advent is a time of coming and expectation. I pray this year that he matches the expectations of your heart to his own so that his return is nothing but the greatest bliss, joy, pleasure, and satisfaction for you.

Pastor T


Friends and family who would like to hear the story of Christmas are welcome to Gingerbread Bash! This will be a great event for kids who aren’t part of our church and don’t know the story of Jesus well.

Kids ages 5-10 are welcome to join us on December 12th @ 11:45 am - 1:45 pm. We’ll be playing some games, singing songs, and building a gingerbread nativity while learning about the very first Christmas.

Free hot dog lunch provided.

Space is limited. Register below!

(full prayer list)

Jim Walkley Jr - infection

Christian Neighbors

Items for December are macaroni and cheese, and canned pasta

Hometown Christmas Parade Security

Enjoy a front-row seat for this year’s Christmas parade and make it a safe, fun time for families. We’re working with area organizations to provide a safety team for the Hometown Christmas parade. December 4th, 5:30 - 6:45. No experience required, all training provided. Contact pastor and sign up at

Christmastime Giving Opportunities

We know there are lots of requests for gifts and donations this time of year. We put all the information about giving opportunities at Peace in one place. Check ‘em out and make your plans!

There is key information here about end-of-year giving.

May the Lord enrich your experience of his coming in Word and Sacrament this Christmas

Ryan Burge: Why ‘Evangelical’ is becoming another word for ‘Republican’ (

Into the Unknown (

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • December 4th 3:00 Hometown Christmas hot chocolate, 5:30 parade security

  • December 5th after services, Christmas decorating

  • December 12th last day of fall studies, groups break for Christmas

  • December 12th 11:45 Gingerbread Bash (Christmas 4 Kids) - Event to share the message of Christmas with kids who don’t know it. Registration required.

  • December 17th 11:00 am Ladies Guild

  • December 18th 2:00 pm Caroling


Got this from a friend? Sign up here!

Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving