Sunday, November 28, 2021

Dear fellow member of Peace,

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” -1 Chronicles 16:34

I hope you enjoyed the Thanksgiving holiday when we gave thanks to our gracious God for all of the blessings he has given us this past year.

Now, with Advent upon us, when we have the opportunity to once again prepare our hearts and minds to celebrate Christ’s coming, and with the celebration of that birth once again close at hand, when we give thanks to the Lord for his greatest gift of a Savior from sin, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy and Christ-centered Christmas season and thank you for letting me serve as your president.

Please accept this letter as an opportunity to also give thanks to the Lord for our called worker here at Peace, Pastor Timmermann, and to express our love and thanks to him for his work among us. You are invited to place your monetary token of love and appreciation in an envelope marked “Christmas Gift”. Then get it to me or Ralph Holewa by US mail, in person, drop it in the collection plate, or leave it in one of our church mailboxes no later than the morning of Sunday, December 19. These gifts are to be presented at the end of the 6:30 PM Christmas Eve service. Please make any checks payable to “Peace Lutheran Church”. If you have any questions, please ask. The best ways to reach me are face-to-face, or by calling or texting me at (269) 903-7091.

With thanks,

Charlie Kling,

congregation president

*Please note: Per IRS publication 526, these gifts are considered contributions to a specific individual, and are, therefore, not tax-deductible.


Peace Lutheran Church

805 South Wilmott Street + Otsego, Michigan 49078-1460