This week’s lessons: Malachi 4:1-3, Matthew 13:1-23

Hi all!

“What we do know is he went into the fire and he said, I’m with you. He didn’t put out the fire, he didn’t put out the flames. He took the shame. He took the blame. He took the mistakes. And he said, “I’ll stand with you.”

“No other god can save in this way. Every other religion, every other ideology, every other way of living says to you, follow these rules, do these things, and you’ll be a good person.  

“Jesus says, I’ll be with you. I’ll come down and I’ll go to the cross.” That was the message from last week as we remember the Reformation.

Now we’re getting ready to give thanks.

Thanksgiving starts with knowing what you have, not what you wished you have. Have you taken inventory of your life?

It’s probably time to do it again, so you can be thankful for what you have.

Start with that, and I’ll see you Sunday at 9:00 or 10:30 am to count it all up.


Pastor T


As we commemorate Veteran’s Day, let each of us pray for and honor those who have served.

We would like to thank: Paul M, Daton W, Tom H, Al K, Jim K, Tom K, Don H, Ralph H, Dave G, John G, Irw B, Larry, N, Ray W, Jim W, Richard U, Paul S, Don N, Gary C,

We appreciate your sacrifices and courage.

If you’d like us to thank and pray for anyone else, please add them with this form.

All veterans are also welcome to attend a lunch this coming Friday, November 12th at 12:000 in their honor.

Stories that Sneak in: The Parables of Jesus

I saw this comic while preparing for Sunday. Good one, huh!

Ancient parables worked in much the same way. They snuck the point in while people were smiling, laughing, or wondering. Jesus was an expert parable teller. He always helped people discover the kingdom of God at work among them and invited them to trust.

We’re going to take a look at parables in our next study session. We meet

  • Wednesday night at 6:30 in the Kalamazoo area

  • Thursday 8:00 pm online

  • Sunday at 7:50 am.

Join us and bring a friend.

Don’t forget to set your clocks back 1 hour on Sunday!

The Christian message at Thanksgiving is both easier and harder than we imagine. Paul puts it this way. “Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Eph 5:19 - 20) Singing, making music, and giving thanks are not hard tasks. The Lord doesn’t ask us to feed all the hungry or fix poverty.

At the same time, he says do it “from the heart”. Saying “thanks” doesn’t count if we don’t have a deep, living conviction of thanksgiving.

Join me in generating both the heart and the activity of Thanksgiving this year.

Thanksgiving service with songs and prayer on Wednesday November 24th at 6:30

Kingdom Thanksgivings

As a group of believers, we are especially glad to give thanks for what we call “kingdom thanksgivings”. Kingdom thanksgivings are the gospel-related work God is up to among us. It’s what he does with his good news of forgiveness and life.

This year we invite all our friends and neighbors to share their thanksgivings

  • add a postcard at church to our “kingdom thanksgivings” wall

  • Email your kingdom thanksgiving to, text to 269-694-6104, or reach us on social media and we’ll add to the wall


Children’s Christmas service

Our kids are already hard at work preparing for this year’s Christmas service. We’re so excited that they get to share the gospel with words and music.

The Children’s Christmas service will be December 19th at 9:00 am.

If you’d like to have your kids participate in this year’s Christmas service for kids, please use the link below to see the service and let pastor know.

The kids will practice together weekly on Sundays until the service!

Can’t wait to hear them!

November Youth Crew

November 7th, 4:00 pm. All middle school and high school students are invited! Love to go with you!

Leave Peace at 3:15

God, Guys, and Gals: November Youth Crew — Peace (


(full prayer list)

Healing for Samantha H after surgery

Judy H surgery

Christian Neighbor’s items for November are pancake mix and syrup.

Dix Street Elementary school would love to have a few people clean up the landscaping this fall.

Fall work day!

November 6th, 9:00 am.

Love to have your help!

This is the start of the list.

Welcome Home thank you!

Many thanks to Jeanne, Sharon, and Jo for their work in putting Welcome Home together. Cindy and Kaitlyn also gave us wonderful music.

Thank you to all of you who welcomed one another to such a wonderful gathering.

November Ushers: Jim Winkel and Kart Wedge

Parables in Luke — Kenneth Ken Bailey was a professor in the Middle East and an expert on ancient Jewish culture

Upcoming events (full calendar)

  • November 6th, 9 am Fall Work Day

  • November 7th, 4 pm Youth Crew

  • November 12th, 12 pm Veteran’s Day Potluck

  • November 24th, 6:30 pm Thanksgiving Worship


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Have a suggestion or comment you’d like to share? Let us Know!

Would you like to donate to Peace? Please use the link for online giving