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Let’s celebrate Christ’s victory!

April 12th

A new day dawned on the first Easter morning. When sunlight fell on an empty tomb, the world saw that Jesus Christ had risen from the dead and ushered in a new era of peace, forgiveness, and hope. A new day has dawned where sin cannot condemn us, guilt cannot control us, and death cannot contain us. Jesus died on a cross to pay for the sins of the world, and he rose us from the dead to make us right again with God. Christ is risen! Come and see….

Easter Worship 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.

Different services! Save your spot below.

Easter invites

If you would like to invite your own friends or neighbors to Easter,

  • please grab a few invites from the Welcome Center.

  • share the event on Facebook, Instagram

Easter flowers

If you would like to add Easter flowers to church in honor of a loved one, you’re welcome to sign up on the bulletin board at church or email the church office.

In memory of