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Let’s bring some Christmas cheer to homebound and semi-homebound friends! Everyone is welcome to come together for this caroling event.

Please keep in mind:

  • The care facilities are concerned about safety and security

  • We exceed the number of guests any one resident can have

  • People have a reasonable expectation that we be approximately on time. We’ll start within about 5 minutes of the posted time, so if you’re late, you might want to join us at the next location.

Here is the plan for the days.


1:45 Split up cars at Peace

2:00 leave Peace for the Fountains at Bronson (Ray)

2:25 Carol at the Fountains (Ray)

2:40 leave the Fountains for 901-124th St Shelbyville (Keiths)

3:15 Carol at the Keiths

3:30 leave the Keiths for Emerald Woods (Phyllis)

4:00 Carol at Emerald Woods (Phyllis, also pick up Shirley)

4:15 leave Emerald Woods for 357 Garfield St Otsego (Darlene)

4:30 Carol at Darlene

4:45 Leave Darlene for Vicinia

5:30 Carol at Vicinia