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From the Bible, we’re pretty convinced that two things will help you as a believer in Jesus: growing in your identity as a Christian through his Word and serving others. 

Have you decided how you are going to grow and serve this fall? 

If nothing below is the right fit for you, please talk to pastor so he can work with you. 

This is a great time to connect to something new! 

  • Ladies Guild starts August 30th 11 a.m. Contact Jane Holewa.

  • Choir starts September 5th 6:30 p.m. Contact Cindy Commissaris

  • Regular education for children and adults starts September 15th 

  • Prayer chain - our prayer chain actively raises up our fellow members and the needs of our community to the Lord. Participation by text or voice. Contact Julie Wyhowski

  • 131 Youth Crew - Education and outings for students in middle school and high school. Contact pastor

  • Kalamazoo area college - Regular meetings. Contact pastor

  • Tuesday Talks - Tuesday Bible study at 10:00 a.m., normally led by pastor. 

  • Senior Outing - the seniors typically meet the 3rd Friday of each month for fellowship and encouragement

  • Vicinia Gardens - come share the gospel with and pray for seniors at Vicinia Gardens on Mondays at 2:00 with pastor 

  • Alamo - come share the gospel with and pray for seniors at the Alamo nursing home on Mondays at 3:30 with pastor

  • Sunday early (8:00 a.m.) and late (10:30 a.m.) study 

There are also many ways to serve

  • Ushers

  • Greeters

  • AV

  • Teaching assistants (to help with children, young adults, or adult education) 

  • Facility

  • Lawn mowing

  • Altar

Bring a friend! September 15th is a great day to get back to the gospel!